
1. Introduction: This website uses cookies By using this website, you consent to the processing of cookies, user data (information about the location; OS type and version; Browser type and version; device type and screen resolution; the source from which the user came to the site; from which site or through which advertisement; OS and Browser language; which pages the user opens and which buttons the user clicks; ip address) for the purposes of the site operation, retargeting and conducting statistical research and surveys. If you do not want your data to be processed, you must leave this site.

2. About cookies This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small, simple file (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent with website pages and saved to your computer's hard drive by your browser. On later visits the information in this file can be sent back to our servers.

Web servers can use cookies to identify and track users as they browse various pages on the Website and to determine whether or not they have visited the Website before.

3. Cookies and Personal Information The cookies we store through our website do not contain any personally identifiable information about you.

4. Enabling, disabling or deleting cookies For more information about enabling, disabling and deleting cookies, please refer to your browser's instructions or browser's help.

5. Further Information on Cookies For more information about cookies, see Wikipedia or other websites.

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